Well, stop the press and cue the music because I have just about heard it all. Sarah Tressler is a society reporter for the Houston Chronicle and an adjunct professor at the University of Houston. From outward appearances – Tressler seems to be a bit on the squeaky-clean side, but she was hiding a dirty little secret. Scratch that, she wasn’t hiding anything at all – by night, baby girl was stripping for dollars on the side – and openly blogging about it!
A reporter at the Houston Press exposed the “bare facts” about Tressler moonlighting at a few upscale gentlemen’s clubs in the Houston area like the Men’s Club near the Galleria and the St. James.
The scribe found a way to mix her talents, by posting about her adventures on her own blog, “Diary of an Angry Stripper.” She also has Facebook and Twitter pages for her pseudonym and holds nothing back!
According to the Houston Press, on one particular blog entry called “The 10-hour Day Yields an Icky Fetish,” Tressler talks about a guy who had some very weird likes to say the least.
I worked from 1:30 to 11:30 last Thursday, which is long enough to hang out with some friends, make some new contacts, eat lunch and pull down about $750. I also had a run-in with one of my least favorite of the weird fetishes: guys who like to have their nipples, um … bothered.
Foot suckers aside, the nipple guys freak me out the most. I personally hate it when guys try to reach out and rub or tweak mine; getting a dude who likes to have his … ew … stroked or pulled or WHATever, gawd, it’s so gross. Sorry. And just kind of bumping up against the general area outside the shirt is never enough. They aren’t ashamed to lift their shirts up and bare their man-nips, which, incidentally, are usually longer than what may be considered normal, the result of which I can only imagine must be from sexual apparatuses sold at stores like Nasty Pig on W. 19th in Chelsea.
She brazenly posts pics of herself – with no disguise thank you very much – and talks about how much loot she brings in after shaking her money maker.
‘I strip for crazy people and then write about it so we can laugh at them TOGETHER. That’s love, people,’ she wrote, adding that her interests included ‘Brass poles, tiny muscles, money, and the perfectly polite conversation of your choosing.’
And the fee for all that? ‘$20 a song, even if I’m not dancing,’ she wrote.
I can’t hate—she’s hot — but may not exactly be the “brightest bulb in the box” but then again, a book deal may be in her future!
I’ll leave it up to The Houston Press to fill you in on the rest of the deets, click here to read more.