Imagine the excitement of unsuspecting children when oversized curtains were lifted to reveal a stage full of bikes and other gifts during church service.... Read More...
Good people do great things! Cops, jocks and community business leaders joined to take underprivileged children on a Christmas shopping spree at Target on December 17, 2013.
Well isn’t it great when a teenager makes enough money to retire? Well, that is what Justin Bieber says, if we really believe him, when he made the announcement on Twitter on Christmas Eve..
Charles Ramsey is one hero the world will never forget, and now his memoirs will give us a look inside his life before—and after – he freed three women who were... Read More...
How do you announce your engagement? Social media, of course. That is how Dwayne Wade told the world that he popped the question to actress Gabrielle Union…and she accepted, of course.