By: Symone Daniels
HOUSTON — Ladies, it’s almost summertime and I know you are ready to sport your rompers, but how would you feel if the man in your life decided he wanted to wear one too?
Well this week in the wonderful world of Twitter, a questioned was posed asking if it was okay for men to wear Romphims after an Instagram ad surfaced of eight guys, who look like friends having a good time rocking peach and floral print romphims. The caption read, “What’s better than rocking a #romphim on your own at the #kentuckyderby? When you and your 7 closet friends #romptogether and redefine #derbyfashion.
In fashion, clothing isn’t gender specific and you honestly can wear what you want as long as it complements your personal style. For instance, Cam Newton — who is known for his questionable fashion choices — rocked a romphim at Coachella 2017 and he looked amazing!
Is he the only “stud” who can get away with it?
How do you feel about this new male romper trend?
Of course, the internet had to get in on the fun generating hilarious memes!
[Here are a few, take a look!]