civil rights

Texas Southern University students reenact Houston’s first sit-in

It was only 56 years ago when students at Texas Southern University took a stand against racial segregation in their community. In 1960, a group of students came together to organize a peaceful protest to end discrimination and take a pledge for equality. Today, Texas Southern University students are showing they haven't forgotten that sacrifice and commitment towards racial equality. ... Read More...

A black woman becomes #bankNOTEable in Canada!!! Activist Viola Desmond will be on Canada’s $10 bill!

Many of us know that Canada had a Civil Rights Movement of their own, and black people from all over the world were taking a stand through public sit-ins and other boycotts that showed many business owners and public officials that we were not going to be undermined and mocked any longer without a fight. One of those brave people were Canadian activist Viola Desmond. She will now be featured on Canada's $10 bill!!!... Read More...