HOUSTON — Partnerships are a beautiful thing, especially when it comes to HIGHER LEARNING. Texas Southern University and Lone Star College form joint admission plan.
TSU President Dr. Austin Lane and Lone Star Chancellor Dr. Stephen Head met June 29 to sign an articulation agreement between the two institutions. The plan will facilitate transfers, recruitment, and admission and advising for prospective students registered in the Lone Star College system. The establishment of this agreement provides the framework to develop programs that will enhance the educational experience of students attending both Lone Star and Texas Southern.
The articulation agreement is Dr. Lane’s first official act as president since being named to lead Texas Southern University on June 7. The signing ceremony was held at Lone Star College’s Victory Center and was attended by students, administrators and board members from both institutions, as well as a host of community members.
“We wanted Lone Star to be the first community college that we partnered with to strengthen the bonds of higher education,” Dr. Lane said. “Lone Star students are the population that we want to attract to Texas Southern. We are going to work in an aggressive manner and ensure that interested students know how to get from the community college system into a direct track that ends in a bachelor’s degree.
The agreement includes a plan for credit transfer, data sharing, and benefits for transfer students. Texas Southern will accept a minimum of 60 semester credit hours that can count toward obtaining a baccalaureate degree.
“I’m optimistic about the future relationship between Texas Southern and Lone Star College,” Chancellor Head said. “This relationship is about providing an opportunity to succeed for students at both institutions.”
Lone Star College will accept reverse transfer credits from TSU students who leave college prior to completion of their baccalaureate degree that will allow them to complete the requirements for an associate degree from Lone Star. Application fees will be waived for transfer students and they are eligible to apply for a special $3,000 scholarship. The general transfer award is renewable for up to four terms and is based on eligibility.
Derrick Mitchell, chairman of TSU’s Board of Regents, said, “It’s an exciting time at Texas Southern, and we are thrilled about this articulation agreement. This is one of the pieces we need to provide higher education for deserving students and reach our enrollment goals.”
“We want to make sure that Lone Star and all of its students have pathways to a successful life and are given the resources necessary to succeed. This agreement is the right push at the right time,” said Alton Smith, a member of Lone Star College System’s Board of Trustees.
Eligible students meeting certain requirements can be accepted into the Texas Southern-Lone Star joint admissions program. Students accepted for joint admission can participate in either alternate or simultaneous enrollment between institutions.