Anything you say these days can be swooped up and published immediately! Just ask Vh1 Love and Hip Hop’s Yandy Smith who stirred up a little something-something when she tweeted that Beyoncé’s Saturday night delivery was all a hoax – and that the baby was actually born last month.
That tweet made front page news on Media Takeout, one of the biggest sites for hip-hop, celebrity gossip.
But turns out it was all a joke. Yandy was just playing around and didn’t know she would be taken so seriously. But being a well-known celebrity manager, her words created a bit of a buzz.
But with more than 80,000 followers – it was certain her words would spread fast…and be retweeted…and retweeted…and retweeted.
Yandy was just having a little fun.
Click here to follow Yandy Smith on Twitter.