By: Ashley Tillery
Do you have family photos hidden in secret drawers or in a box in the closet of your home? And you always wanted to create a photo album, but you just could not find the time? Well the time has finally come because May 6 was National Scrapbook Day!
Let us help you get started with one.
Step One: Choose the size and type of scrapbook you desire. The size of the scrapbook depends on the amount of photos you choose to put in your album. The type of scrapbook depends on the type photos you are wanting to put in the album (i.e. Baby Shower, Wedding, Family Reunion, etc.).
Step two: Gather up materials to help create your masterpiece. Have your glue, scissors, pens, markers, tape, and page protectors all set and ready to go!
Step three: Plan the layout of your scrapbook. It is crucially important to see how you would like to organize your album. Where and how to place pictures, in what order, and etc.. Create a sketch of your layout and see it beforehand before getting officially started.
Step four: Start creating your album. Its time to begin creating your scrapbook. Place and glue your photos to your liking in your scrapbook (reference to your sketch). Add color and stickers that enhances the mood of the photos and moments.
You did it! There you go! You are done and officially an owner of a scrapbook and photo album! That wasn’t hard at all.
Putting together family memories is very important because that is all you have after everything is over. Avoid being the person who stores family photos in a box in the attic or basement of your home. Instead, have your photo album ready to go for the next family reunion and host your own Scrapbook Party!
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