Remember Sandra Bernhard? Well, she was — and still is — one ballsy comedienne famously known for telling it like it is. And in a recent exclusive interview with PopEater’s Naughty but Nice Rob Shuter, she proves she’s still great for letting it all hang out, sounding off on politicians and other female funny ladies.
As if there are not enough women on the “Governator” Arnold Schwarzenegger’s hit list, Bernhard says he took a shot at her in her younger, skinnier days.
”In the ‘70s when I moved to LA I was on the beach by Gold’s Gym. I was young, skinny as a stick, staring at the ocean, dreaming of the future, and Arnold came up to me and he was hitting on me,” Sandra told Shuter at a taping of ‘Naughty but Nice with Rob.’ “I don’t date Germans so nothing happened. But I love Maria Shriver. All these years it’s been, what is she thinking? It’s the Kennedy tragedy. Just to keep it going.”
(Sorry Sandy, Arnold is Austrian, not German.)
And while Bernhard feels for Shriver, she wonders why she never noticed what was going on right under her nose and doesn’t blame the “baby mama” housekeeper, Mildred Baena, for the controversy.
”I think she’s (Baena) a lovely person,” Bernhard said.
Switching to comedy, Bernhard dishes on two of this generation’s tell-it-like-it-is comediennes—Chelsea Handler and Kathy Griffin – even hinting that one of them may have copied her style (swagga jackin’).
”I like Chelsea. She’s more of a personality,” Bernhard told Shuter, adding that she thinks Kathy’s comedy is too “obvious” for her. “I think Kathy studied me in the early days. She borrowed a little bit. I like to keep it a little more intellectual. I just don’t like to take it down to the obvious. It’s not me. I was raised on sophistication.”
Furthering her thoughts on sophistication, Bernhard calls out political figure Sarah Palin, who may be gearing up for a presidential run.
“I heard she’s buying a house in Arizona. Where she belongs. With the rest of the trash.”
Ouch Sandy, well OK!
Check out more of her interview with Rob Shuter at