Known for his inspirational and historic novels, from The Autobiography of Malcolm X to Superfly T.N.T, Alex Haley was one of the most respected and legendary writer of all times.
On April 18, 1977, Haley won a well-deserved award, a Pulitzer Prize, for his 1976 novel, Roots.
Roots  tells a story of an African slave named Kunta Kinte who was stolen from Gambia, West Africa in 1750. Kunta Kinte had to go through trials and tribulations as a slave. Even though he could not escape to freedom, Kunta Kinte’s strength was passed down in his family from generation to generation, which eventually led to freedom.
Haley’s Roots: The Saga of an American Family transitioned into a miniseries in 1977 on ABC-TV. Roots won nine Primetime Emmy Awards, one Golden Globe and Peabody Award.
Haley’s work will continue to go unnoticed in the entertainment industry. He gave African Americans and untold stories a voice, which made his work stand out and make a difference in history. Thank you Alex Haley for being a strong voice for many generations.
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